Our medical centre brings you wholesome healing'....Dr. Gbenga Oluwanisola. - Global Quest Magazine



Saturday, May 4, 2024

Our medical centre brings you wholesome healing'....Dr. Gbenga Oluwanisola.


The CEO of Ope - Ewe Trado -Medical Centre, Dr. Gbenga Oluwanisola has come out unequivocally to express the the testimonies being given by people concerning the efficacy of the treatment being offered   by Ope-Ewe medical centre irrespective of the ailments medical at his centre.

Dr. Gbenga Oluwanisola who has been in the business of traditional medicine for years also stated that his outfit is redefining the traditional-medicine practice and approach earlier been ignored by our people.

" It is always pitiful when I heard people saying they preferred western medicine to the trado medical. And I am not blaming then, it is all due to ignorance and the fact that we have many fake ones among us, quack and the one I do refer to as half baked. 

But I can tell you for real that in my our medical centre,   at Ope -Ewe Trado medical centre, we are different. Our own treatment gives you a cure that is permanent. The western drugs people are clamouring for, without bias or prejudice is just a temporary relief, but ours gives cure that is permanent, we are always at your service "
We cure diseases such as stroke, syphilis, diabetes, arthritis, spiritual attack , body massage, reviving of man power, fibroid, rheumatism, pile and malaria and others too numerous to mention here.

 We treat them all and our work speaks for us because daily we get feed back and we are not relenting".

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