Poverty has over the years held Africa by its jugular; creating a spiral of painful side effects including extreme hunger, widespread diseases of epidemic magnitude, infant and maternal mortality and violent crimes among others.
Certainly, poverty is not a modern phenomenon, it has evolved like every other challenge humanity has had to fight over the course of its existence. However, it remains one of its most formidable enemy till date and continues to grow in Africa and Nigeria despite the immense resources available to the people of the continent.
We cannot fold our arms in despair mourning the years gone by and the opportunities missed. It is time join hands as a people to act positively and progressively.
Our people are well known for our communal living, which helped us to survive and live well as a people in spite of our shortcomings which has been and is still being exploited by others who care little about our wellbeing. That is why we at the Lady of Africa in a metaphoric expression of our potentials chose to use the “Adire Street Culture Carnival” as a vehicle for driving home our points in a multi-dimensional approach.
The Adire made in beautiful admixture of colours and exotic designs is a symbol our industry, encapsulating our pride in hard work and ingenuity which is acknowledged the world over.
It has provided for several decades and still provides the means of livelihood to several families across the breath and length of Nigeria, while projecting the alluring beauty and hospitable personality of our people.
The Adire Street Carnival is not just another avenue for entertainment, but an ingenious means of projecting our culture, promoting our tourism potentials and empowering the people, especially those who will be participating in the organisation at the grassroots and the textile makers.
Our intention over the course of the next Ten years create a Global brand of the repackage the Adire and apparently the Carnival.
Our efforts are sometimes feeble and infantile, but with your support in cash and kind, we strongly believe the ultimate goal of rebranding and reintroducing the Adire to the International market is an achievable objective.
On behalf of the good people of this great county, especially those challenged by their situations in Nigeria; the Youth, the women and Children who depend us for succour, the Lady of Africa Empowerment and Advocacy Foundation invite Governments, Corporate entities and well-meaning Nigerians at home and in the Diaspora to join us in this noble course.
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